Pilates: we now know how this fitness system can improve our flexibility, straighten our posture, enhance our mental health, and more.
Pilates Mat or Reformer?
Pilates Mat classes or Pilates apparatus, the most popular one Reformer.
Pilates attracts everyone from young to grandmothers to executives, elite sports performers, dancers, with its promise of core strength, flexibility, toned muscles, postural correction, alignment and its mind and body control, among other benefits.
Many newcomers wonder between rolling a Mat or step into a Reformer machine. Pilates Mat or Reformer?
The equipment is practically symbolic of Pilates, but that doesn’t mean a good old fashioned Pilates Mat class isn’t worth your time. If you have the opportunity to use equipment, that’s great, but don’t knock the Mat.
The Reformer looks like a “bed”, for some resemble a torture apparatus: consists of a sliding carriage moving back and forth along a track. The carriage is hooked into springs of varying resistance to provide the weight for the exercises you perform…. The first sliding carriage, ropes and pulleys was designed by Joseph Pilates himself in his studio of New York back in the 1920’s.
Pilates Mat or Reformer?: While the advantage of Pilates Mat work is that you can focus on getting the foundation for learning to control the muscles, improve the strength, flexibility, alignment and good posture. It is a unique practice right before moving on to equipment, into your first Reformer class. As a beginner in a Reformer, the body can get very confused with controlling the effect of an external challenge and miss the target of the exercise. Mat Pilates is great for beginners and totally open to all levels of experience
Pilates Mat or Reformer? Neither is better than the other, Mat provides the Pilates foundation, Reformer adds resistance to the Pilates exercises by using the springs which form part of the machine, increases strength. The springs allow to vary the intensity considerably from one person to another. Both workouts provide similar benefits.
For those used to a gym set-up, the Reformer can often give the impression that you are doing “more” than a regular Pilates Mat class. In the end, this may be a deceptive belief, although there is an attraction to the Reformer that keeps people going back to it.
Pilates Mat or Reformer?: Pilates Mat work is completely transportable and something you can do anywhere. By contrast, Reformer-based training requires that you find a dedicated, fully equipped Pilates studio.
The biggest difference between a Pilates Mat or Reformer class is this addition of resistance to the exercises in the Reformer that makes the moves more intense than they would be in a Pilates Mat class. But do not forget both workouts provide similar benefits.
How to decide between Pilates Mat or Reformer class? Looking for a challenge? I suggest and Advanced Mat class beyond Intermediate Mat and Reformer work. Advanced Mat classes are the hardest because we are using our body all the time. The Reformer isn’t assisting or supporting us.
I hope this article has helped you! Comment about it, help us all to understand!
And do not forget that the deciding factor should be finding appropriate instruction!
Marta your Pilating Instructor!